
Synonyms for vitality are: lust for life, energy, mobility, spirit.

Current trends and developments in the outside world, demand a lot from you. It is quite a challenge to move along and stay true to yourself. When you say yes, but feel no, an inner conflict arises. This leads to agitation, confusion, or rigidity. Thinking clearly, feeling, and doing are out of balance.

Listening to body signals gives you necessary information to decide on what is wise to do. The result will be that trapped energy will start to flow again and your thinking, feeling, and doing will be more aligned. This gives peace and relaxation. Your liveliness and vitality increase, and you are better capable to respond resiliently to challenging situations of the outside world.

'He who works with his hands,
is a laborer
He who works with his hands and his head,
is a craftsman
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart,
is an artist'

Saint Francis of Assisi