
I am consciously involved in my personal and professional development through training, peer review and lifestyle choices. This means I am constantly evolving, which enables me to implement the knowledge and experience gained in my method. I take this along in my coaching:

  • Haptotherapy – Academy for Haptonomy
  • Education for body-oriented coaching – Atma Institute
  • Education for walking coaching – Atma Institute
  • Certificate Reiki I and II
  • Work- and Organizational psychology – University of Utrecht
  • Years of corporate work experience as assessment psychologist, coach, and advisor at management consultancy firm Berenschot

I am also a member of various professional associations:

  • Association for Integral Vitality Science (Vereniging Integrale Vitaliteitkunde)
  • Dutch Institute of Psychologists (Nederlands Instituut voor Pyschologen)

I am also registered in the quality register of RBCZ (Register Complementary Care Professionals).